Saturday, 12 December 2015

Part 2 of Going Organic

After having moved over to organic dairy products, we felt it was time we changed the fruits, vegetables and spices we consumed.

Link to my first post: Going Organic Part 1

Why organic fruit and veg you may ask?  Well non-organic produce is sprayed with pesticides and other toxins.   When you see these people spray stuff on our food whilst covered head to toe in protective suits, makes you wonder, is that even safe to consume?

Consume Organic, and you eat life: vitamins, minerals, water, and more.
Consume pesticide residue and you allow poison into your body.

We all know how cancer has impacted someone close to us.  It was unheard of the amount of people being diagnosed 30 odd years ago.  If we look back at our parent’s generations, cancer was unheard of.
Your choices make a huge difference in the quality of your life.  Also, supporting organics supports a healthy planet.  You help to improve the quality of water, soil, air, animals, plants, birds and other living beings also benefit when you choose organic foods.

Where to begin and what to look out for:
In our community its known that you can get 4 bunches of spinach for £1.  Alarm bells should start to ring, how can they sell it that cheap? 

We do not use our local corner veg shop anymore.  Below is the label on the fruit and veg that you need to look out for from your local supermarket as they source from farms which are Soil Associated (see here about who they are: ) most supermarkets, such as Waitrose, Tesco and Sainsburys have their own organic range that has soil association certified.

The quickest and easiest way to begin your journey is to replace your supermarket non organic produce with their own brand organic produce! Simples!
Waitrose Organic Range

 Sainsbury's Organic Range

Tesco Organic Range 

On a final note:
One can take this step to whatever extreme they wish.  We, however, still occasionally eat at the Gurdwara (Sikh Temple) when attending functions etc and sometimes still have the odd eat out day.  We hope, that one day we will be 100% organic, but at the moment we are more focused on making the change at home to ensure we consume the most nutritious and good foods, so that the majority of our food consumption is from organic and ethical food sources.  We do not start questioning people whose houses we visit and turn our noses up at someone’s hospitality.  Everyone has different priorities, but we do try our best to encourage ourselves and others to be conscious about food and lifestyles choices.

If you have any questions or queries, please message in the comment section below.